Due to the coronavirus, the planned final LTT (learning and teaching training) in Bergen was canceled in April 2020. As an alternative for the project partners, a digital LTT was organized using Teams as a communication platform. We created a Padlet-presentation where we published the mobile learning case studies (student activities linked to the iPac model, the fundamental framework of the project) in which we have worked since the Transnational Meeting of Valencia in November 2019.
The partners were not able to travel to Bergen as planned and we missed the four days with different activities we had planned, such as the in-service training workshop for project participants. However, as an alternative, the digital session, on June 19, worked well as the final summit of the three-year Moltam project.
To see the project click here https://kmz.padlet.org/Thomas/moltam_01

Monica Amundsen, Anbjørg Igland og William Peter Hocking.

Ann Kristin Skeide and on the screen Amanda, Pedro, Monica and William.

Launching of the book that has been an MTTEP-project collaboration.

Monica Amundsen, Ann Kristin Skeide and William Peter Hocking.

Erasmus + Moltam Transnational Partner Meeting Valencia 4-6 November 2019
i-Pac and formative assessment workshop by Dr Kevin Burden, University of Hull. The i-Pac framework is based on the MTTEP-project (mttep.eu), Metis participated in 2014-2017. In the Moltam project we try to combine the model with formative assessment. Visit the Moltam website: moltam.eu
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Sightseeing: Partners visiting the Historic Old City and the The City of Arts and Science
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The Moltam project’s final LTT (Learning Teaching and Training) meeting will be in Bergen 21-24.4 2020
i-PAC Workshop at Metis with prof. Kevin Burden, University of Hull, England
A couple of weeks before the Moltam LTT Bergen (13-16 May), prof. Kevin Burden from the University of Hull visited Metis. He is an expert on MobileLearning theory and the i-PAC pedagogical framework. The iPAC survey tool enables teachers and students to measure their use of mobile learning. Read more here: http://mttep.eu

Except from the Moltam group at Metis (Anbjørg, Monica, William, Kugarajh and Ann Kristin), a group from the university college in Bergen, Høgskulen på Vestlandet, were invited.

Erasmus+ project: MOLTAM (Mobile Learning Technology and Assessment Methods)
LTT (Learning Teaching & Training) – seminar in Bergen 13-16 May 2019. The partners from Spain, Germany and the UK, visited Metis Upper Secondary School in Bergen this time.

LTT partner-meeting at Metis Upper Secondary School, Bergen.

Visit at ItsLearning’s main office (A Norwegian company providing a teaching and learning platform for a big international market)

Visit at Media City Bergen (a cluster of Norwegian media companies)
Workshop for the teaching staff at Metis
The partners present how they have been working with various Mobile Learning technology in their classrooms. Additionally Chemistry, Physics and English students from Metis demonstrate how they have used mobile learning technology to create e-books etc.

William (one of the Metis partners) presents the results of a teacher survey about the usage of mobile learning technology carried out among all the partners.

Chemistry and Physics students demonstrate how they have used different apps, such as I-Movie, Explain Everything and Book Creator in their learning.

English Social Studies students demonstrate how they have used different apps, such as I-Movie, Explain Everything, different avatars and Book Creator to create e-books about Brexit.

Hands-on activities, in which the Metis staff try various mobile learning devices. Here they test the online version of Book Creator.

The partners on a hike to Ulriken.

The partners stayed an extra day in Bergen to celebrate our National Day 17th May together with the Metis partners.
As coordinator for a 3-year Erasmus+-project (MOLTAM), we paticipated at a seminar for new and experienced partners of the Erasmus+-project KA1 and KA2 (mobility and strategic partnership), Bergen 26.-27. September 2018.

The partners of the project visiting Valencia November 2018.

School visit at Collegio Santa Maria, Valencia: observing students´usage of digital learning methods.

MOLTAM parteners´ Valencia summit November 2018: partner meetings, school visit and mobile learning technology workshops for Spanish teachers.

As coordinator for a 3-year Erasmus+-project (MOLTAM), we paticipated at a seminar for new and experienced partners of the Erasmus+-project KA1 and KA2 (mobility and strategic partnership), Bergen 26.-27. September 2018.

LTT- Activity (Learning Teaching & Training Activity), Tübingen, Germany Feb 2018.

Students from International English – workshop by Dr. Amanda Naylor from the University of York.

Students in Psychology using iPads to create e-books.
Partners in the project
- Metis videregående Bergen. Amanda Naylor (partner), Monica Amundsen (partner), Anbjørg Igland (coordinator) og Johs Totland (finance)
- Wildermuth-Gymnasium, Tübingen
- Colegio Santa Maria Marianistas, Valencia
- Kelvin Hall School, Hull